Lee Martin, Director IRS Whistleblower Office: Guest Speaker at TWLF's Attorneys Conference Call

On May 11, 2016, the Tax Whistleblower Law Firm held its bi-monthly conference call between tax whistleblower attorneys.  During this conference call, Lee Martin, the Director of the IRS Whistleblower Office, along with his representative from the IRS Chief Counsel, were in attendance and answered questions from the tax whistleblower attorneys as presented by Tom Pliske.

Some highlights of Director Martin’s responses are as follows:

  • Director Martin views his role is to pay awards and make the whistleblower program successful.
  • Director Martin stated that he was available to review a whistleblower case if a whistleblower or attorney was not satisfied with the outcome of the IRS’ determination. In fact, he encouraged whistleblowers and their representatives to contact him to review their case if there is a disagreement between the whistleblower and their representative and the IRS determination.
  • Director Martin anticipated paying more awards in fiscal year 2016.
  • Director Martin mentioned that his office is working with the IRS Congressional liaison to prepare legislation that would: a) create legal protections for whistleblowers and b) would increase protections for taxpayers against whistleblowers using the taxpayers’ information against them.
  • Director Martin also stated that while a point system for differentiating whistleblower cases that are vetted by attorneys may sound like a good idea, pragmatically speaking he does not see that it is currently a possibility.  He stated that even though cases are vetted by attorneys, the cases still end up with the Whistleblower Office; and his job is to process all cases regardless if the claims have been vetted by an attorney.
  • Director Martin stated that the de-briefing timelines and determination letter processing timelines in former Deputy Commissioner Miller’s and Deputy Commissioner Dalrymple’s guidelines are targets but are not set in stone.
  • Director Martin commented that he and the IRS whistleblower program have the full support of Commissioner Koskinen.  He also stated that there were no advantages to having the IRS whistleblower program as an independent from IRS.  Director Martin also clarified that he maintains independent autonomy over whistleblower office and does not report to a board within the IRS to make decisions or to conduct and administrative appeal.
  • Director Martin stated that the Informant Claims Examination (“ICE”) unit is moving back to SBSE to be more transparent.  He also stated that the rationale for the movement was it allowed the IRS to have the ability to better utilize analysts.  He then stated that this would apply to all whistleblower cases (7623(a) and 7623(b)).
  • With respect to cases that have been open for 10+ years, Director Martin stated that there may be a valid reason why the cases remained open.  He reiterated that it does not hurt the process for whistleblowers and/or their counsel to inquire with the assigned analyst.  He further stated that the IRS whistleblower office is working on getting through every case, and to pay more awards.  He then stated that because he is trying to get more awards paid, the numbers of cases and awards paid are increasing.
  • Finally, with respect to Title 18 and Title 31 penalties and whether they are collected proceeds, Director Martin stated that these penalties are not subject to an award.  He stated that the IRS whistleblower office has no policy as to these penalties, and that he would defer to Congress to determine if they should be included in the term "collected proceeds".

If you are a tax whistleblower attorney and are interested in participating in the conference calls, contact our firm to have us inform you of the next call and how to participate. 

Alternatively, if you have specific and credible information (including documents) of a taxpayer’s tax violations/liabilities, contact us to have us review your claim for an award from the IRS.  As a reminder, the IRS pays 15-30% of the tax, penalties, interest and other amounts collected from non-conforming taxpayers to whistleblowers that provide specific and credible information to the IRS.

GAO Issues 2015 Report on IRS Whistleblower Program

Today, November 30, 2015, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued its report on its audit of the IRS Whistleblower Program.  The title of the Report is simply “Billions Collected, but Timeliness and Communication Concerns May Discourage Whistleblowers.” 

The IRS Whistleblower Program is a work in process that has, and will continue to, change over time.  The IRS Whistleblower Program is the most powerful tool that Congress could have given the IRS to enforce tax compliance.  However, to date, the IRS has failed to properly utilize this tool in accordance to its mission statement

For unknown reasons (perhaps the IRS lack of resources, its failure to prioritize these cases, and its overall attitude towards the success of the program, etc.) the IRS has not prioritized and expedited these whistleblower cases resulting in a weak program.

As time brings change, perhaps, the following Recommendations, as set forth by the GAO, will bring good changes to the program.

Matter for Congressional Consideration

1.     Matter: To further encourage whistleblowers to provide information to IRS about serious tax noncompliance and to protect whistleblowers, Congress should consider legislation that would provide protections for tax whistleblowers against retaliation from their employers.

Recommendations for Executive Action

1.     Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Whistleblower Office Director to strengthen the procedures for calculating award amounts and for the issuance of the preliminary award recommendations and award letters to whistleblowers. Such procedures should include, at minimum, a documented process for: (1) supervisory review prior to the director's concurrence, (2) verifying collected proceeds prior to an award payment for both the 7623(a) and 7623(b) programs, and (3) reviewing preliminary award recommendation and award letters to the whistleblower prior to their issuance.

2.     Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Whistleblower Office Director to provide additional information in the annual report to Congress to better explain the statistics provided and the categories of claim review steps reported. Specifically, the report should (1) include correct, reliable data that reflect only the activities of the fiscal year of the report; (2) describe all status categories and clearly identify claim type in the tables; and (3) include an overall timeliness measure (by providing an average and range) to show how long claims take to go from submission of Form 211 to closure decision.

3.     Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Whistleblower Office Director to develop an additional or revised fact sheet about the whistleblower claim process and/or publish additional information on the IRS website. Such information should include (1) an outline of the entire claim review process, with an average time or time range for the various review steps; (2) a description of the key taxpayer rights that a taxpayer may exercise and how much time this may add to a claim's review; (3) examples to illustrate common circumstances that result in denials; and (4) items to include in a Form 211 submission, and suggestions for the types of documentation that are particularly helpful to the WO.

4.     Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Whistleblower Office Director to develop a comprehensive plan for evaluating the costs and benefits of the pilot annual status letter program, including obtaining feedback from whistleblowers in the pilot regarding the usefulness of the letter.

5.     Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Whistleblower Office Director to establish a process to ensure whistleblower addresses are being properly updated in E-TRAK to ensure the WO does not send whistleblower mail to outdated or incorrect addresses. This process could include developing a change of address form specific to whistleblowers and including a blank copy of it in every correspondence with whistleblowers or referencing the importance of updating the WO with any address change in every correspondence with whistleblowers.

6.     Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Whistleblower Office Director to formally document a procedure for return address labels for mail originating from the WO that states that external envelopes should not identify the WO as the sender of the correspondence.

7.     Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Whistleblower Office Director to record refund statute expiration dates in E-TRAK and monitor expiration dates routinely so that the award payment process can start as soon as the claims are eligible for payment.

8.     Recommendation: To ensure timely and consistent information to Congress and the public, the Secretary of the Treasury should issue its Whistleblower Office annual report to Congress no later than January 31st each year covering the prior fiscal year.

9.     Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Whistleblower Office Director to implement a staffing plan for streamlining the intake and initial review process to make more efficient use of staff resources.

10.    Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement to develop guidance for examiners in operating divisions to use in determining whether an Internal Revenue Code section 6103(n) contract with a whistleblower would be beneficial and outline the steps for requesting such a contract.

11.   Recommendation: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should direct the Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement to strengthen guidance and procedures to ensure whistleblower information is retained only in the proper file locations. Such procedures could include requiring management sign off of taxpayer file reviews to ensure all whistleblower information has been appropriately segregated and sent back to the WO.

2016 Tax Sequestration Rate Reduces Whistleblower Awards

Today, November 3, 2015, the IRS Whistleblower Office announced that it will continue to reduce Whistleblower Awards by 6.8%.  The IRS claims that the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended, allows it to reduce whistleblower award payments because of sequestration.

Therefore, award payments made to whistleblowers under Section 7623 on or after October 1, 2015, and on or before September 30, 2016, will be reduced by the fiscal year 2016 sequestration rate of 6.8 percent. The fiscal year 2015 sequestration rate was 7.3 percent.

The sequestration reduction rate will be applied unless and until a law is enacted that cancels or otherwise impacts the sequester, at which time the sequestration reduction rate is subject to change.

The sequestration reduction will be applied after the Whistleblower Office determines the amount of collected proceeds and the applicable award percentage to be paid under section 7623.

Currently, the Tax Whistleblower Law Firm has several court cases on appeal that are currently pending before the United States Tax Court challenging the authority of the IRS to unilaterally reduce these awards for sequestration.  In addition, the whistleblower statute, I.R.C. § 7623, provides “Any amount payable under …. shall be paid from the proceeds of amounts collected by reason of the information provided, and any amount so collected shall be available for such payments.”  This alone would lead one to believe that the payment of the award, once it is determined, is not discretionary.